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Sarvana_Sana, 39 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 50.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2010
hey, my friend
long time for talk with you so busy with work and life but I just comeback from my camping trip ;] and just upload photo about it to here tried with walk on mountain but it's happy time for relax with beautiful nature, good clean weather, enjoy with green color of the tree, white color of fog and a cloud ...and get new friends in this trip ;]

how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2010
Hey,How are you? so sorry for long reply i so busy with life still busy with work, however, 2 week ago I had one day trip in 24th of July but it’s a good time because I never have travel around 4 month ago because I had busy with life, work and training. This trip I went to Chaiyaphum in northeast of Thailand. It’s around 250 Kilometers from Bangkok. It’s so beautiful nature, good weather and fresh air, I saw green color of the trees, mix colors of flowers, touch great a little bit wind cool and fresh air;] it’s make me get power and ready back to fight with busy life in busy town again. I saw “Karjaew Flower” we can saw it in June-August only and I also visited Stone Henge of Thailand in this place too. you can see photo in my profile
inactive user
I singed up :-]
It was pretty easy, it has Korean version~
hmm.... but it's not easy to use............Y_Y
inactive user
you seem really busy......*tears*
inactive user
ah... i se :]
i thought maybe you're busy~ yes you are!
you can reaply anytime you want, i'll just wait then!
inactive user
good morning-:)
inactive user
i sent mail few weeks ago
did ya read?
inactive user
Good night and sweet dreams to you Zoe
inactive user
I would like to add you as a friend if you let Zoe
inactive user
I'm sorry Zoe
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