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Sara, 33 y.o.
Örebro, Sweden [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 513.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2011
hahaha u jealous bitch **** u the usa rocks every other country just hates and talks shit and does dumb shit like attack us or hitler cooking jews we come to the rescue food aid and our people dying and we are the bad people typical dumb non american not every americans ******* rich and welthy they work for a living and build great nukes so watch out we are the world power u know it thats why u run ur mouth until i see another country stepping up at war times then **** off we RUN THIS BITCH
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2008
well heii am ana my friends call me cupi cake am also but are u really a vegitarian
inactive user
hey, love ur pic
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2008
Oh yeah. I've never played monopoly with adults though. Playing with kids makes things less fun. I like chess, risk, tonk, and uno.
inactive user
Hey there....nice pic!
inactive user
but you should play 30 seconds... and you can turn it into a drinking game.
inactive user
Hiya! Can i help you with your english?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2008
Is monopoly a popular game over there in Sweden? I always here that American games are huge overseas, but I never hear of anyone actually playing them.
inactive user
hi.. great to meet some bi people coz all of my good looking bi friends have had to quit their profile in here coz guys have been stalking them that's bad. and i don't like just bi people it's just good that there r some of those girls and boys out there so i can relate to them.. so after this how r u neighbour? :) i'm Tiia btw.
inactive user
hey, come talk to this awesome Ozzy guy lol
I'm johnny, nice to meet you :)
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