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Robert2012, 67 y.o.
Leeds, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
Sounds a bit illogical - people tell you that you're honest and loyal, but for them, would you have another opinion about yourself:)?
inactive user
Can you be called a 'couch potato' if it's only Football you watch?
Well that one is not made for real slouching ! :-)
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2009
hi thanks for writing to me
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2009
that wonderfull.ur soo much wellcome again.
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2009
hi. where was you in africa?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2009
Hi Jaria how are you, saw your message
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