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Rangga Putra Agung, 34 y.o.
Pekanbaru, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Graduate degree
University of Riau



Relationship status



Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 79.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2014
u finding a wife??? hahahaha I´m hereeeeeeee hahahahah
greetings my friend!
inactive user
Pekanbaru memiliki pantai biru bagus kayak di Belitung gak? What do you mean di US di RT mana?
inactive user
Tanah kangaroo, tanah werewolf, sama tanah kambing. Indonesia jadi tanah apo? Tanah orang utan. :)

Hm lamo bang. 20 years. Sejak lahir lah. Abang gedenyo dimano? Orang Rusia yg di kotaku galak loh. Kadang gak ramah.
inactive user
Hehe Rusia juga luas deh. Masih banyak bagian yang hangat2. Selow bang gak usah bawa kompor kok. Di kota mas dah kedinginan. Posisinya di rumah A.S.
Pekanbaru banyak pendatang Rusia kah?
inactive user
Profilnya luas bang3et bang. Gua gak baca smuanya yah. Bang mao ke Rusia? Dingin loh dsono. Mang bisa nahan? :))
inactive user
elhamdülillah baik ^^
ohh. yes. I was very busy .

apa yang kamu lakukan?

inactive user
salamat pagi ^^ apa kabar?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2013
Come here, it is snow everywhere here :D
inactive user
Hey, your dad is okey right? :)
inactive user
You need to go miles and miles to reach snow :p i dont really think you can see it in Indonesia :D
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