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MrsPerfection, 45 y.o.
Saint Petersburg, Russia [Current City & Hometown]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4
Санкт Петербург лучший город в России, но холодный.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2023
Fantástico 👏🏻👏🏻🍀
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2022
I don't work for a travel agency. This is my personal desire to tell about my beloved hometown.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2022
Thank you very much for your opinion. I know that this site is for people to communicate and I told about my city so that people would know and could admire its beauties. I have not offended or offended anyone's interests. Shared the sights of cities in Russia. The language of beauty is understandable to all people in the world. Isn't that right? I don't force anyone to read my profile. I wrote for people who appreciate the beauty that was created by people from past centuries and we can all admire it.
inactive user
One must assume that you work for the city's tourist bureau. Other than a sentence at the beginning, there is nothing about you. This site is not for advertising, it is for meeting people with similar interests.
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