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Mody, 38 y.o.
Tanda, Egypt [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 154.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2011
Happy Birthday :)
inactive user
(please drop of those calling names)

I see, do you like your job anyway?
I can't decide what thing is the best ^^

oh, and I have to go now, bye~~
inactive user
why was your day hard?
I don't know what to tell..
finland's good ^^
inactive user
ah, you mean the first one? it was an accident in wall-to-wall,
you see? I haven't deleted the others because it wasn't on purpose ^^

my day's fine, thanks. how about yours?
inactive user
what do you mean by pms?? O.O
inactive user
you're welcome.
it's going well, thanks. yours? ^^
inactive user
hi. (:
inactive user
Kayf Halaak?!
Greetings from Philippines.
Hope to know you and be my sadeegh!
inactive user
Sorry for answering so late..i've been busy workingT_T
Korea or Japan...i love both of those cultures, the languages and i'm just so intrigued buy everything..i love learning about the history of those countries..ithey've always interested me..ever since i was a little girl. my day was ok...i went to the beach with my friends this afternoon^^
inactive user
yes i can see your day was ok..i've been working a lot lately. my dream is to learn japanese and korean and on day be able to live in Japan or korea
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