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Ilkka, 38 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 785.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2020
Hah joo, spam me! Oli ihan hiton kuuma ja pölyistä silloin -18 :D ootko omatoimisesti matkaillut sinne? mä menin Elmun kautta kun suositeltiin. Ehtisin tänä vuonna kyllä taas wackeniin, mutta toi vaihto imee rahallisesti kuiviin niin ei uskaltanut sitoutua.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2020
Mun seinällä on ollut niin hiljaista, että ei tarvii hirveesti edes selailla. :D Kuulin että 2015 oli ihan järkyttävä mutavuosi, onneks en ollut silloin. :D Olin 2018 ja 2019, sattui kyllä ensimmäiselle kerralleni loistava sää, ehkä liiankin kuiva. Viime vuosi oli myös ihan ok vaikka satoi vettä ja myrskysi vähän huonoissa kohdissa reissua. Tämän vuoden wackenin joudun jättämään väliin. :/
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2019
Yes I'm back! :D Lueskelin myös noita vanhoja viestejä täällä ja mitä oltiin kirjoiteltu 5 vuotta sitten. Oon jopa onnistunut käymään kahdesti wackenissakin :D
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Metal \m/
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2016
Oh my))) I have to rehearse my meow parts as fast as I can) I just can't find my Shakespearemeow texts((((
I'm eager, I know ;) Write, man, write a lot of words!))))
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2016
Haha but nowhere near as bad as a normal hangover and much more bearable! :P Getting tipsy is more fun in my opinion! Ah well it's well worth the read, for sure! There is never a dull moment with her diary, so much suspense and you never know what's going to happen next! It filled me with so many emotions, almost as if you could feel what she was going through.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2016
Haha yes totally! I think I have had a little hangover before but have never actually become properly drunk! :P I prefer to just be tipsy to be honest and it hardly takes anything for me to be that way hah XD Like a couple and I'm already being silly! :D
Yes you definitely should read about who she is! She is a pretty famous person and her story is well known all over the world. She was a very brave and courageous person who went into hiding with a dutch family and some of her own family members in a house in the Netherlands to hide away from the Nazi's during WW2. Throughout that time she kept a diary and recorded all her feelings and experiences while in hiding during that horrible time. But hey, I'll let you find out more about her yourself! See if you can get hold of the book about her diary, it's a book well worth reading!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2016
I'll admit I was curious about weed for a little while and was tempted but apparently it can have a pretty negative effect if you suffer with mental health issues, especially anxiety and paranoia. I'm waayy too nervous to even risk it. Even if someone was there with me, I think it's not worth it just in case it could end up setting me back when I feel I have made a lot of progress in recovering. I think I'll just stick with some alcohol every now and then! :P
Of yeah for sure, the city has a lot of history and there are lots of museums and one of the most interesting ones being the Anne Frank museum. I read the book about her diary and visited the museum, it was so surreal, cannot describe the feeling I had when I was there!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2016
And I do actually suffer from bad anxiety, especially around lots of people :( But I don't mind the smaller festivals as much. :) lol I'm not into drugs or anything like that, especially not hallucinogens! It would wreak insane havoc on my mental health, not good for people with a tendency to be paranoid and worry a lot etc.! Oh yeah Amsterdam is of course about more than just *** and drugs! But everyone associates it with those two things. The city has a lot of history and far more to it than what people think!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2016
Only thing is I'm not a very big fan of HUGE festivals, can find them some what overwhelming and I prefer the smaller more personal ones but perhaps I will check it out at least once some time! :) Yes I have relatives in the north of Holland, not Amsterdam but a really pretty village or well it seems more like a town, called Bergen in the north of the country. I have been going there ever since I was a child, lots of great memories :) I went to Amsterdam for the day though but omg the number of tourists everywhere, it was mental!!! You can't even cross the street properly without feeling like you will get pushed into a car! Still a cool city but I don't do too well with thousands of people everywhere!! Yess I shall hopefully be uploading my pics on here shortly! :D
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