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Maria, 34 y.o.
Buenos Aires, Argentina [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 294.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2013
oh por dios, de que estaba hablando ahi abajo? ajajjaajj "el mapita".... banderita hermanaa!!!! XD...
Yo veo q con los años mi nivel de pelotudez no disminuye!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2012
ES OTR NIVEL DE JUEGO.... otro nivel de remo... un salto a la rutina... para cuando lo conocido se pone muy facil....un CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.... y si trae resultados, bueeeee... A LA YUGULAR!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2012
JAJJAAJAJAAJAJ... acabo de entrar dsp de 5000 años a interpals XD.... te vas a enganchar con un chongo de madagascar! kaakajajaa, buen, faltaria, no?... para el mapita :P
inactive user
Hey, Meru! I am Agzam. I'd like to learn some Spanish in exchange for my Russian. I'd also love to know about Argentina more. Cheers!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2011
tambien me ha encontado la pelicula el secreto de tus ojos. cuado vienes a rio? ;)
inactive user
haha ill have to think of some.. ill get back to you about it later :)
inactive user
I LOVE ADELE!!! i havent listened to her in about a month though.. i might just have to go back to it!
inactive user
hence why i put nothing on my page :) haha
inactive user
Huahua! : P
I'm not a football fanatic! : P
Brazil played very badly, if Argentina win of Germany Will Be World Champion. I have no doubt. The netherlands is pretty bad.
I think the Jabulani is affecting the results! haha
inactive user
Holy Shit! :P
Go Go Argentina and Uruguay!
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