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Sara, 32 y.o.
Newark, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
SHE\'S DEAD!! DECEASED!! GONE!! WHERE OH WHERE?! WHERE HAS SHE GONE?! SHE\'S GONEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heh I was looking through my Bookmarks and I\'m like....HMMM and then i\'m like AHHH I remember her!!!!!!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2007
hi mel~
inactive user
dang...i dont remember what u said......oh yeah, remember now!! ummm yeah, Summer will start laying anytime now, as it gets warmer. She was SUPPOSED to start laying a few months ago but dont lay in cold weather. But i cant wait until she has duckling:) so exciting!! hmmm what have u been up to?? anything interesting??
inactive user
haha....i didnt expect you to read it!!! After recent polls, i have found that girls tend more to read long pieces or writing than those of the male species. new duck?? i dont have a new ducks are like, ive had them for almsot 9 months:) but yeah, those ones are good, i hope Summer will start laying soon,so we can have ducklings lol!!
inactive user
yup yup...I used to have a crudload of so much..=P...Nice hips btw ;]
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2007
As far as i know thay dont have interpals...>.> <.< But it can be arranged... :D XD
inactive user
So what\'s up?
inactive user
g\'day! naughty girl....naughty piccie.... Animals rule the world...they do....just read my profile for verification!! Jk i dont expect you too...its longer than a japanese indian file!! lol
inactive user
hey, I\'m Brock. nice to meet yaz
inactive user
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