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Marta, 28 y.o.
GdaƄsk, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 84.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2015
i missed u Marta..
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2015
it's just an activity before started semester for freshmen
unfortunately , it's not that good as i thought
actually it's terrible !
semester start on August and maybe it's still weird for you ;P
Congrats to you !!
I want to go there someday ;(
that's an amazing place !!
Tell about your trip when you're back
I'm truly excited wait for it.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2015
nevermind :)
i seldom visit this site lately.
i'm feeling excited
tmr i'm gonna go to university for the first time
it's just welcoming ceremony but spend a long time
morning til evening ;(
how was your bike now ?
have you bought a new one yet ?
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2015
i did! it was amazing!
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2015
exam over?
inactive user
Hi Marta, nice profile, pozdrawiam
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2015
I'm interested in "Downtown Abbey"
because I like that age. They are so dignified and beautiful.
but don't know what's all about it.
for me, I read a lot but I watch more :P
I read Harry Potter no.5 , Gone with the wind
I used to read thai girly novels when i was younger
from all of them I love "Gone With The Wind" the most.
but I listen to English songs instead
and I like "Post Modern Jukebox" Do you know them ?
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2015
Oh god, that's horrible !
i'm sorry to ask you on your wall
i do really sorry.
because it's very bad so i don't heard about this word before.
it's from How I met your mother ss 2 but i don't remember which ep.

yes, I love series USA, UK, sometimes Korean and a few of Japan.
I've just started to watch this serie.
and I try to find "It's always sunny in Philadelphia" do you know it ?
it's hard to find these with subtitles.
I can listen well if they talk with normal speed and word
but not speedy and slangs so subtitles are helpful.

what about you now ? which one are you watching ?
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2015
i searched your dishes and found that they must be tasty !
pierogi may like gyoza ??

so we have different.
In Thai, some people said it straightly.
but if stranger or not that close together, i think it's rude too.
sadly, many people used to it but not fatties.
thank you again for encouraging me that's helpful
and i'm very appreciate.

btw, Do you know the word 'grinch' ?
i heard it from series and i don't know what it means.
is it slang ? but i know it's a bad word.
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2015
do you have any traditional dish ?
i wonder how it is XD

Ohhhhhhh I feel like i'm going to fly XD
thank you sooooooooooooooooo much
you are the first one telling me i'm ok T___T
as i told you, it hard to see many kind of food in front of you
and try not to eat it so it made me bigger and bigger.
yesterday, i met my old friend and he said 'Hey , are you bigger ?'
ohhh goddd, i wanna kill him hahaaaaa but it's ok. it's true T___T
hope if you see the real me (not in pic) your word will stay the same XD
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