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Mariana, 35 y.o.
Piracicaba, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 54.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2011
mariaa... :) Im waiting :P
inactive user
valeu a visita ;)
inactive user
Hey Mari, how have you been? I hope everything's ok up there. :)

Maybe I can teach you some Chess someday, this is not that hard, it's pretty simple actually. :)
It must be tiring to study english the entirely day, it's easier when you are able to chat with someone online or even have english speakers around. You will be fine eventually. :)

Yes, we can chat in english as you wish and don't worry, I'm ok with helping anyone to improve their english skills. :)

So how was your day? Are you having fun this time on your vacations?
It was nice to hear from again Mari girl
Take care you too
inactive user
I'm sorry about my late replies, I assume I have been doing many things at once and that's why it's taking too long to reply to your messages. I hope you don't mind. :)

So... Of course Chess and Scuba Diving are not only my activities but that's what I really like to do apart from being a "movieholic" person all the time. haha

I understand that the english language is a really challenge but it's all about practicing, I have been learning for over 4 years now and I didn't have a single private lesson or anything like that, only talking to people at work or business trips and studying at home. This is not that hard either. :)

So about my life, I'm an on-demand consultant at IBM company, have been working there since I graduated, 5 years ago, and I'm fine with that. :)

Don't worry about your english, it seems to be fine so let's do it more often, shall we?

Hope to hear from you again soon
inactive user
Na verdade, mergulhar e jogar xadrez são meus únicos hobbies. haha :)
E você pretende fazer alguma especialização na área administrativa ou quer mesmo trabalhar com turismo?

Would you like to practice your english with me? :)
inactive user
Eu saltei de paraquedas algumas vezes, fiz o curso pra ter a chance de pular sozinho mas só pulei 5 vezes. Acho que faltou companhia, meus amigos começaram a recuar. haha
Faço parte de um grupo de mergulho há quase 6 anos, somos 12 amigos e já rodamos em alguns lugares. Noronha é demais, também gosto de Floripa e Porto de Galinhas no litoral de PE.

O que você faz da vida quando não está pulando de paraquedas ou tentando mergulhar? :p
inactive user
Oi Mari, obrigado pelo comentário, fico feliz que tenha gostado. Você já praticou mergulho alguma vez?
inactive user
hi, dear, nice to see u , how r u , read my profile and add me
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2011
Ola! Como vai?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2011
thx for your comment :)
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