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Lee, 38 y.o.
San Diego, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 89.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2010
Long time no talk!
I am right now in PA and I will go to visit CA very soon.
How are you there ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2010
Awesome! All kind of sports you do are wonderful!! I also love sports!!

do you do any martial arts?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2010
hows your french ;)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2010
hi~! long time no talk!
I been busy recently but I am fine.
just done my midterm exam this afternoon and it was going not bad:)
I am glad to hear that you are going back to school !That's good and good luck to you !
I am still looking for a seasonal position for international student to work and travel to the states with J1 Visa.
I hope it will work out! Wish me luck :D
I can't wait to fly to your country, too.
Maybe I will also work in CA ( I hope so ), ^^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2010 are you nah...i miss you so much
inactive user
Hey there

What's up? I'm studying in Belgium this academic year along and I feel how my English is dying little by little haha What about your Spanish? Have you ever been to Spain?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2010
hello my dear..this week im so busy of my school thats why sometimes to online you
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2010
hello my dear how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2010
Hey My Amercian semi cool buddy is alive..... I'm good thanx, how's about you? Whats new?

I got a stiff neck..... woke up sunday morning with it... sux *** man.... I hate it......

anything new to share dude?
inactive user
For me, yes ;) I like Daniel Craig, is very manly and I think he is best James Bond ever. I liked him in movie “Tomb Raider” then he was not so famous but Craig did impression on me.
For example Pierce Brosnan is to slim and too “perfect” for me and I hate his smile. So I‘m very pleased with the choice that the new James Bond is Daniel xD
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