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Hayley, 32 y.o.
Vancouver, Canada [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 967.
inactive user
hi there!

my name is louis! i'm korean.

i really love to go canda. so i decided finally

i'm going to cana next year januray!! ^^
inactive user
At least you can workout for free :P hehehe
inactive user
let me give you a good advice, you should never google character's names :P i did once, awful....go away spoilers
what is your job ? you said about get paid :P
cool major> Film Studies, sounds fun
inactive user
:P I do love read Jon and Bran's chapters ^^ Family Stark :)
one who i didn't enjoy and i changed my mind is Tyrion ....who doesn't hate Joffery ?! and the rest of his family
but I'm not a huge fan of daenerys's chapters, do you realize that she has the most big chapters ?kkkkkkk
inactive user
I'm the opposite, I can't read the book knowing what comes ahead :) The third book is amazing, you read and can't believe. It's interesting how one character can change the life of another character a thousand miles away, crazy :S
Sometimes I wonder how could all that story come out of one human mind?!
inactive user
I didn't know about this serial before the tv show, actually I didn't read the first book,I was to anxious after the season one then I just read the second book :S probably i missed some details....
are you a faster reader?
inactive user
I'm finishing the A storm of swords(third book), I'm thinking in finish it tonight, remaining 40 pages. Most of people say that it is the better book of this serial, you'll see ;P 840 pages of fun :)
inactive user
(: you got such a charming freckles, some people don't like them but I do...I suppose you're in my side, right? anyway
are you waiting patiently the next book of "Chronicles of Ice and Fire "?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2012
We are meeting in cambie on 7 pm if you wanna join;) i will be a bit late also
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2012
Yeah we r friends on facebook now;)
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