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Angelo, 34 y.o.
Santo Tomas, Philippines [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 22, 2012
Ah, yeah, I am weird that way... I love ghost stories and dislike cooking books. So not womanly of me! I'm glad my boyfriend lets me out of the kitchen sometimes and allows me to buy educational books instead of makeup ;)

So I heard there's some conflict about the South China Sea. Is that a big topic among people in Philippines, and if so: what's your thought on it?
inactive user
Yeah! You don't think pale skin is ugly?
inactive user
Thanks. And being tanned is better than being pale like me. Dark skinned is better, and healthier! Don't you think?
inactive user
I've always wanted to go to the Philippines... Everyone who has been there says it's so beautiful. My teacher goes there as a missionary and gives homeless children food and clothes. I'd love to do something like that. I'd need to tan first so I don't stand out! (I'm too pale!!!!)
inactive user
:O I'll look it up >w<!
inactive user
:D Assasins Creed :D ~~ And many others >w< . And yay! Glad we have the same hobbies and interests!
inactive user
Yeah!!!! What's wrong with that? :O
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2012
Yes haha
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2012
What is alot
inactive user
Hi there! o [] o
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