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Collin, 36 y.o.
Cambridge, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Greetings from Philippines!
Thanks for viewing my profile.
inactive user
thanks for viewing my profile but I am NOT into online romance or flirting. snail mail is cool though too
inactive user
When you were 14 years old........what?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2015
Do Kangaroos make a desent pet. Have you seen a Willomenia Pine tree??
Now about me. I am currently learning to walk for the fifth or sixth time. I live in Salisbury Md at the present time. Originally I was born and raised on an Island in the Chesapeake Bay. as a teen, I worked on the bay. If you check out my photos.I have some pictures of a skipJack. later this afternoon I will post some of a work boat that does trot lining. I am on interpals because I am trying to figure out how to use skype. I also want to learn more about computers and programs. I AM CURIOUS ABOUT EVERY THING!!!!!!!!!! I love history, science fiction, biology,science, science fiction book, UFOs, space, other planets, ETC............. did you know that there are two schools of celocanths in your area? What else would you like to know??????
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2015
I'm always up for chat. Nice to meet you. To answer your questions yes I have seen a Kangaroo. But there are many types, I am yet to see only the Red Kangaroo which is the best kind. As for a platypus I have once, when I was little. Back to talking about Kangaroos. Uhmm I am sorry to disappoint but we don't keep them as pets. Unless your job is to look after them and they give you a license we are not allowed and before you ask. No we don't go riding kangaroos haha. How about you? What are some interesting things you've seen? Have you ever been Abroad?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2015
I know a little bit about that group. ^_^.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2015
Thank you. I have many more. I haven't put up the ones showing a skipjack
inactive user
Very interesting photos!
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