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Gil InYeong, 34 y.o.
Kwangyang, South Korea [Current City]



Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
inactive user
(Sorry for a late reply)
Good for you, I hope they went well. :)
Exams are here quite scary too, but not so scary at this point. In high school they will be.. but i'm just on a junior high school so we have easier and not so important exams. :P
I've been thinking that snail mail for a time now.. i'm not sure about it yet, even now.. I have quite many snail mail friends at the moment and i don't know do i have time to have one more again.. but still it would be nice to send letters with you but it would be so terrible if i promise and then because of my less time i'd always reply you late and so on..
So.. i'm not sure...
inactive user
sorry for my late reply!
perfect score! you have a great brain! :D
inactive user
hi!! how are you?? ahhh madrid ^^, you know i have never been to madrid hehee because is far from huelva xD.
inactive user
Yeah Teppei's hair is so great and cute in that drama<3
Aaah i'm so jealous to you because you can visit Japan so easyly o__o
I hope it too, i'd really like to. :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2008
cool,will have to save it before you cahange it. boat is my design and not so can build too. and there are free plans at
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2008
It\'s not my country.
I do not know much about it.
I have lived here only 7 months.
How are you ?
inactive user
Oh~ I\'ve watched Gokusen too! That\'s where i first saw him 8> Have you watched Dragon Sakura? He\'s there too. I\'ve watched same of it but only a few episodes T_______T
I\'d like that too, but i live so far away from Japan. ;__________; All my favourite bands comes from Japan or Korea so it\'s quite sad that i live so far away...
inactive user
women began to use Hiragana first, more than 1000 years ago..
that may be why Hiragana looks cute :D
inactive user
I hope you come to japan again^^
I think Japanese difficult too^^;
inactive user
So ask me what I want to know. :)
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