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Geraldine, 42 y.o.
Johannesburg, South Africa [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 17 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2011
I would compete in ballroom and Latin with you.
inactive user
inactive user
inactive user
Greetings from Ethiopia!!
inactive user
I'm very fine, thanks (Especially now that weekend is coming clooose)!:) And you?
Salsera "linear" or "circular"?:)
Have a nice weekend, ciao!:)
inactive user
Hi Geraldine!:)

You probably dance very much to keep in fit as shown...;) I love to dance salsa&co too: we could virtually dance together;) So... Friends?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2008
Another weekend over.
Thank God.
They keep getting tougher all the time.
Thank Goodness for the safety and security of a regular week.
I only have a hundred things to do.
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2008
How's life been treating you?
I'm relaxing this weekend.
It's been highly stressful.

Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2008
Hello....How are you?

How is your week so far?

I can't wait for the weekend.

Then it is time to party and relax...
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