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Eugenia, 57 y.o.
Burghausen, Germany [Current City]
Kyiv, Ukraine [Hometown]


Looking for



Graduate degree



Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 44.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2023
Herzlichen Dank für das Kompliment.
Grüße aus Bayern.
inactive user
Hallo 🙋 was für ein interessantes Profil! Grüße aus Spanien 🇪🇸
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2023
Hello Prem Chand! Thank you for your trust, sure, we can be friends. Now I'm interested in speaking German.
I live in Bavaria and I will be Upper-Intermediate level in Deutsch by August. That is my life.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2023
Hallo aus dem Norden von Deutschland.
Schön, dich kennenzulernen
und danke, dass du mein Profil besucht hast.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2022
Annie, thank you so much for your support, we need it at this difficult time
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2022
Just a quick note from a random stranger to send my best wishes to you and your country: Canada supports you.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2021
Hello NN, if you happen to be interested in talking live, e.g. on Skype, then I'll be pleased to talk to you. Sorry, I'm not that keen on snail mailing or even emailing.
inactive user
Hello Eugenia, if - by chance - you're also interested in snail mail/handwritten letters, please let me know and I'll write a little more and introduce myself properly. Have a nice weekend!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2020
Thanks for visiting my profile . Hope you enjoyed the photography
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2020
Hello Eugenia.

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."

Beautiful espression, sadly I can't talk in Russian or Ukrainian und I guess
you don't know a word of Flemish like I speak. You like flowers...for me
flowers and plants are a bit my children. You can see some of the things I
grow and care for in my albums. And music, music is also important for me.
I like many styles, but this modern house music, raggae and jazz are not my
favourite things to hear.

Always welcome to drop a few lines and write something more about your
life and family. I have as no family left, but I like to discuss many topics here
on Interpals and on Facebook/Messenger. This year will end as it started I
guess : still blockings, loneliness and some boredom, so in fact more or less
a lost year. Even in these difficult times with Corona all around it is an art to
find happiness in small things like a beautiful flower, receiving some kind and
nice words en cherish these items as they were gemstones.

Many Greetings from Flanders, Ansfried.
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