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Marco, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 197.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2009
hey i see that you like syd barrett. he is one of my favorite artists from that era. how is your life going?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2009
I'm reaaaaaally curious...
where have you vanished off to?
haha..probably somewhere far away.
inactive user
Hey Marco!(:
Nice main picture anyway,
I like your glasses.

I also listen to Oasis and Radiohead :3
And thats really cool that you play in a band.
What kind of music do you guys play?

Overall, how are you?
inactive user
oh thanks. so i guess we totally agree with each other musically (:
waa, the entire record? same! haha, Pete is THE MAN. oh isnt it a reality show? hmm, i dont know. i didnt saw th movie one on youtube. well, a guy here told me that in the uk they're showing a reality show abt pete and its called 24 hrs with pete doherty or something.he's a huge fan too. hah :B

oh thnks again. people call me weird cos i like curly hairs. i like curls! this i advice you: NEVER attempt to straighten yr hair yeah? hahah. oh i went to the both! haha. so you're going single eh? well, all in all, i find it really cute.hahah.

PS. i love gaspard ulliel. how in earth did you manage to meet him? omg, he's my husband!! haha. hottest french alivee!! hahahah. can i own that picture pleaseee?? :)
inactive user
Bin moi, je vais encore au school. Je suis en classe de 1ere ^^. J'essaye de connaître des personnes sympa hors du Gabon, je dirais même hors de l'Afrique. J'adore ça x)

Tu vis à Paris en ce moment ? As-tu déjà voyagé en Afrique ? Et est-ce que tu connais le Gabon ? Excuse si la question est truc mais j'ai connu des gens comme toi qui ne le savait pas :P
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2009
Oh! that makes a lot of sense! I'm not always the worlds smartest person when it comes to quick logic! :D

Hm, I'm curious just because you are saying that Europe is more socialist, so there are more aids avaliable for that generally what happens or just now because there is a lot of unemployment? and also...what do you think about the aid going to help others? Is it benefitial?
That's kind of a scary thought...I've seen it though like there are these shows on here that explain how things are made, and all of the factories, pretty much, are using robots :(
Wow...minimum wage of existence, that's pretty creepy...where are they getting the money for to pay people for that? Geez. haha that's scary! like here is your are alive another day!
ha welcome to the future XD

Haha..thanks!! OK, anything is DisneyLand besides the US. all I am going to say.. hahaha. I want the rest of the country to open their eyes, and it's because of that blindness that I am thinking everything else is the best, which gets me in tons of trouble. My mom thinks I am super immature and nieve, because I think Europe is amazing-er than the US. I still think it's cooler :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2009
not really, but i have familly there=P
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2009
hey, my week has not been good as i have had to take all week of college because i am ill :(
inactive user
ohhhh wow....
j'adore PETEr DOHERTY!! OMG you like him too? he is like my hero man. "who the f**k is pete doherty", is that a movie?? never heard of it before though. have you listened to his song "last of the english roses" lyrics? its really witty. <3 oh pete.
"whatever people say i am, that's what im not" -arctic!!! hahah i LOVE them!
B) nice hair. i checked yr band. not baddd
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2009
Oh! no worries!! haha, I didn't mean to be impatient and demand you speak with me...I was just curious because I wanted to help you out like I said I would! (wait...just read your last line, aww! if you ever have that happen again, I'll help you!)

AH! dudee... wow, that just totally crushed my life in half. haha talk about bad news! hmm....I guess you are right, people in all differet regions have their flaws, right? Gee...still that's scary :(
I thought we had it pretty bad. why is it hard to get jobs there? I mean is it all the european system that is bad, or just different places? I mean seriously California is the top in unemployment in the I didn't think it could get any worse than here!
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