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Maciej, 31 y.o.
Poznań, Poland [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 108.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2016
dobry wybór literatury!
inactive user
"fu*k, i really have to improve my english skills xd" - HELL YEAH xDD
inactive user
hahaa u absolutely are xD
inactive user
XD its ooookay, i wont blame you that hard lol
inactive user
Happy bday!!!!!!!!!!!!
inactive user
inactive user
b-day soon? really? 21 years...? HELL YEAH xDD
don't worry, u're still an awesome kid! Lol
inactive user
aw if u rank 2nd awesome, how dare i rank first? <3
inactive user
Thanks !hahaha
Btw I think put finger on deleted ......
I'm use phone now so >.<
But really do thanks a lot !
And sorry for the wrong deleted T.T
inactive user
oops, being happy for such a loong time, come back to the real world and prepare for ur exams!! xD
i'll tell you when i plan a tour to Poland, seriously, who can forget you Lol
then i'm all here waiting! ^^
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