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Bata, 43 y.o.
Niš, Serbia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
Ma ništa zamjerit :) Lijepa vještina dakako, pozdrav i sretno sa jezicima.
inactive user
Well do not have a slightest idea how can I help you with your German...since I don't speak it :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2015
hello Mariuszek l am very glad because you answerd to my message. my dear friend from poland. from what city is miloš? l am from city of niš. on the south of serbia. l learn german but l can not find anyone so l can learn. it was reason because l got in this grup. also l have seen that german (this is my opinion) is easier then english. but maube it is reason because now i already know english. it is nice that you like fishing. my too, l like natur. walking in to the mountain, ner by rivers.. l like so much natur. maube you can see my peacture from montenegro. i have dog Trška. you can see it. it is nice when people from diffrent position and places can keep in touch and be frendly. to thanks God. when miloš speak serbian, can you understand him. l hope that our language ist simmilar and we can understand each other using out mother tongue.
inactive user
Hello Basta, In my life nothing new.. From morning to afternon in work today but thanks :) And you? Something interesting ? I have not been in Serbia but I would like other day, Milos my friend form Serbia who is from Serbia narrate about yours country. I like fishing and I heared that in Serbia are many interesting rivers :) I learn english since school times.. but In Poland teaching in school is really stupid.. Now I try learn with Milos and alone and maybe will be better.. And you? What are you doing in your life?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2015
I am glad because you have answered to my message. l know english but l can not say thas l am ehcellent in gramatik view. but we can practise and if you want keep in touch, speaking about interesting theme. i will be very glad
inactive user
Hello Basta, it's nice that you visit my profile and you write to me. Happily I will meet you and I d like develop my english too..At on the time I tried learning germanish but I can't..Maybe once else. In Poland I have friend from Serbia Milos:) He teach me english exactly, very nice guy:)
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