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Shannon, 33 y.o.
Rochester, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
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Hello how are you?:) I am Shin from Korea. I like K-pop too:) My favorite bands is EXO:) I want to be your friend. Nice to meet you!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2015
It's totally fine :)
Thanks~! Good luck to you too ^^
Are you planning to visit Korea?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2015
I'm on episode 7. My feels are in danger XD Yeah i'm slowly saving up, so we'll see! I also want to come to the UK :D I saw on your wall that you like Game of Thrones? its literally one of my FAVORITE series, after Harry Potter!! I'm rooting for Dany XD
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2015
I KNOW!! Pronunciation is the hardest thing, i'm sure if i ever talked to a Korean person, they'd think I'm weird XD At the moment, I'm watching Healer, its SOO GOOD! I haven't been to a lot of places recently, but when i was younger, i went to Colorado, Florida, Texas and New York. I haven't really been to any other foreign countries though :(
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2015
yeah, i spend a LOT of time on Youtube just watching a LOT of KPop videos in general, as well as KSpazzing videos XD. I'm also trying (emphasis on "trying") to teach myself Korean. I watch a LOT of KDramas and try to pick up little phrases and words here and there. I have yet to pick up books on how to learn Korean :D Have you ever been to the States?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2015
Like Korea, I really love Chinese food, culture and life gets pretty boring here...i know that sounds weird, but nothing interesting ever happens around here, where i live. i've always really wanted to travel to other countries and experience different cultures and things like that ^^ Yeah i watch reaction videos all the time!! they're SOOO hilarious XD My favorite BTS song is Danger <3
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2015
I love BTS, 4Minute, 2NE1, and all the other bands you mentioned. I really want to study abroad in South Korea ^^ and also in China too(I've been learning Chinese for 4 years).
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2015
Hi! You like KPop too? who are your favorite bands? I LOVE EXO! Hope we can chat some more :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2015
hey shannon,
im here to make friends and looking for chance speaking eng,
..i know im v bad at speaking eng T_T;;
also not good at listening eng. -_-;;;
besides im a introvert person, also im not familiar with British..
but i think you are a nice person.. and is a girl ^_^ so..
want to be friend with you ..
what about you ?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2015
If you have lots of interests in Korea, find a "Korean English man(영국남자)" on Youtube. He's an English man who loves Korea and is really good at Korean. maybe you would alreday have known him.
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