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Anna Lee, 30 y.o.
Brighton, United Kingdom [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 99.
inactive user
Wow!!!!!! LUCKY! You have to tell me all about it! haha :D
Yeah, i have msn, add: [email protected]
inactive user
I am sooo glad my presentations are over! There were so nerve wracking! haha Now i have to wait until christmas, im so excitred :D
You will be SOOO lucky if you get to see Coldplay! I will be forever jelous! haha They just got nominated for 7 grammys! I really hope they win....haha :D
inactive user
Thanksgiving was good for me, nothing to special, just turkey with the family! lol Do you have anything in England thats like our thanksgiving? :)
Today i had a presentation, i was sooo nervous! And i have a presentation on wensday to >< Stupid Projects! haha =)
inactive user
You should go to cincinnati then if you want to :D
Ive been really lazy for the past 5 days, haha. Its my thanksgiving breal, and i just wanted to do....nothing, lol. The only thing i did was go to the mall with some friends, and got a couple movies,
How about you? :)
inactive user
Twilight was so awsome! haha Robert Pattison paying Edar= dreamy!!! haha
When he frist came onto the screen all the girs in the theater started freaking out! lol =)
So how was james bond? :)
inactive user
I just go back from the theater we bough early tickets for the 9:20 showing, haha. Cant wait! XD
So what are you doing this weekend? =)
inactive user
Christmas is going to be awsome I just wish it would come sooner! haha XD
Tomarow me and my friends are seeing Twilight!!!! I am sooo suoer excited! It going to be sooooo crowded though, its opening day :) lol
inactive user
I love snowman, and snowball fights! haha XD
Today i just got the new Beyonce CD, ive been listening to it non-stop, haha =)
inactive user
Haha =)
Today it started snowing for the first time this year! I was sooo excited i love the snow XD Maybe ill get a snow day tomarow if im lucky, hehe :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2008
hey, how are you?
xo mary
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